The genus Tritirachium is known to cause infection in insects. The natural habitat of this genus is soil and decaying plant material. Human infection by Tritirachium is rare; only a few case reports exist. Tritirachium is reported from corneal ulcer, scalp, nail and ear infections...
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions, often causing significant psychological distress, especially when visible scarring remains. Its etiopathogenesis is multifactorial, with major contributing factors including....
Traumatic coxofemoral dislocation in adults is defined as total and permanent posterior or anterior displacement of the femoral head from the acetabular cavity [1]. Hip dislocation has become more and more frequent in recent decades, due to the increase in road traffic accidents, particularly motorcycle cabs...
A 74-year-old woman presented with multiple episodes of chest pain. She reported that the symptoms had begun three days earlier and were triggered by exertion, such as walking outside in the cold. On the day of presentation chest pain radiating to the left shoulder and chin woke her at 3 am and lasted approximately 30 minutes....
A 68-year-old male was admitted in our accidents and emergencies department complaining of acute pain of his right lower extremity for the last three to four hours. Past medical history included hypertension, chronic kidney disease and severe alcohol abuse......
One of the most prevalent skin cancers in humans is Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) [1]. This epithelial skin cancer usually occurs on areas of the body which are heavily exposed to the sun, such as the neck or face.....
Injectable Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH) is a nonsurgical alternative for the treatment of Dupuytren disease. It is less aggressive than fasciectomy and offers significantly faster recovery times [1]....
Cytostatics are a group of drugs of vital importance for the treatment of cancer, because of its capacities of inhibit the growing of tumoral cells [1]. Generally they are administered intravenously, using centrals or peripheral access [2]...
Peer review is an essential process in any publications refereeing a mutual process that allows evaluating manuscripts submitted to a journal and commented upon by independent research experts within the similar field of research...
Open Access is the free of charge, instant, online availability of research articles, together with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital milieu. It provides unrestricted use and reuse...
Plagiarism is a part of Journalistic ethic where it is considered to be a crime. The act of taking content, writing, statement or an idea that is already published is known as plagiarism. Whenever you consider using any paraphrase, sum up, or take terms, phrases, sentences or statements...